(formerly Radio Heteroglossia)

Featuring academic conversations on social issues, Academic Perspectives aims at fostering communication among social scientists researching similar thematic trends cross-culturally. It also seeks to make such scholarly perspectives available to broader publics including but not limited to the academia.

Each interview focuses on a specific article, book, film or documentary produced by a scholar in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Academic Perspectives also welcomes discussions with other professionals whose work has a social impact, and of other scholarly works produced in different formats and genres.

Academic Perspectives is mainly about knowledge outreach. It is organized primarily for social and educational purposes. Our mandate is to offer a public service by providing access to academic knowledge and discussions in order to foster an open dialogue that encourages world citizens to engage in the solution and understanding of social issues.


Ana Fonseca

Interviewer and Co-Founder

Email: afonseca@academicperspectives.ca

Shane Séguin

Web Developer and Co-Founder
Professional in Computer Engineering Technology

Email: sseguin@academicperspectives.ca